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]]>In the second verse, Morgan describes the physical aspect of their night together. He kissed her, and she gripped the sheets with her fingertips. They shared the last bottle of Jack, sipping it slowly while talking about life. Morgan acknowledges that they both have their flaws, and they often say things they don’t mean, leading to arguments. However, he still wakes up wanting her, despite the disagreements they had the previous night.
In the chorus, Morgan reiterates that something in his gut tells him that their relationship is not over yet. He believes that there is no way it was their last night together, and he hopes that his lover feels the same way.
In the third verse, Morgan recounts the aftermath of their argument. His lover left, slamming the door behind her, and Morgan’s friends advised him to let her go. However, he cannot imagine life without her, and he wouldn’t trade their love for anything else. He knows that his lover’s friends feel the same way, which gives him hope that they will reconcile.
In the final chorus, Morgan declares that he knows his lover said that she would not come back, but he feels that something is telling him that this is not the end. He believes that their love is worth fighting for, and there is still a chance for them to be together. The song ends on a hopeful note, suggesting that Morgan and his lover will find a way to work things out, despite the challenges they face.
In summary, “Last Night” by Morgan Wallen is a song about a tumultuous night between two lovers who had too much to drink and said things they shouldn’t have and things they can’t remember. However, Morgan believes that their relationship is not over and that they still have a chance to reconcile. The song conveys a sense of hope and determination, despite the difficulties in the relationship. The lyrics suggest that both Morgan and his lover have their share of faults, but they are willing to work things out and not let go of each other easily. The song’s message is one of perseverance, hope, and the belief that true love can overcome any obstacle.
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]]>The post What is the Meaning of “Thought you Should Know” by Morgan Wallen appeared first on Song Translations.
]]>The song starts with Morgan acknowledging his mother’s worry about him, expressing that he has been “chasin’ songs and women” and making “bad decisions.” Despite his mother’s worries, Morgan reassures her that “all those prayers you thought you wasted on me must’ve finally made their way on through.”
The second verse of the song reveals that Morgan has met a new girl, who “lets him fish whenever he wants to,” in Jefferson City. He describes her as a lot like his mother, which is a huge compliment considering how much he loves and appreciates her. He also reflects on his roots, stating that he’s “still proud of where [he] came from” and that he is “still your only damn son.”
Morgan’s nostalgic lyrics in “Thought You Should Know” highlight his fond memories of home, including his father’s silly antics, and his mother’s garden. He takes time to catch up with his mother over the phone and updates her on his life. He apologizes for calling so late and for the late-night conversation but shares that he just misses her.
The chorus of the song is a sweet and heartfelt message to his mother. Morgan wants to assure her that despite the distance, he still thinks of her and the home they shared together. He tells her that “all those prayers you thought you wasted on me must’ve finally made their way on through.” He wants her to know that he is doing well and that he is “on the radio.”
The song ends with Morgan saying goodbye to his mother, as he is about to leave on his next tour. He tells her that he loves her and that he just wanted to give her an update on his life. He ends the song with the line, “Just thought you should know,” which is a loving and affectionate way of telling his mother that he cares about her and wants her to be a part of his life, even if they are apart.
In conclusion, “Thought You Should Know” is a beautifully written tribute to Morgan’s mother. The song highlights the love, pride, and gratitude he feels for her and the impact she has had on his life. The song is a reminder that no matter how far we may go, our roots and the people we love will always remain with us.
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]]>The post What is the Meaning of “Wasted on You” by Morgan Wallen appeared first on Song Translations.
]]>The opening lines of the song, “I don’t always wake up in the mornin’ / Pour myself a strong one / Aw, but when I get lonely I do,” set the stage for the theme of using alcohol as a means of coping with feelings of loneliness and longing. The singer is acknowledging that they use alcohol as a way to numb their emotions and forget about the past relationship. This is further reinforced by the line, “Your memory gets to burnin’ / Lean back on the bourbon,” which highlights the singer’s reliance on alcohol as a means of distracting themselves from the pain of the past relationship.
The singer continues to reflect on the wasted time, money, and effort that was put into the past relationship. The lyrics, “All of this time and all of this money / All of these sorrys I don’t owe you, honey / All of these miles on this Chevy and prayers in a pew / All them days I spent wasted on you,” emphasize the sense of loss and disappointment that the singer feels. The mention of “sorrys” and “prayers in a pew” suggest that the singer may have attempted to make amends in the past, but to no avail. The repetition of the phrase “wasted on you” throughout the song further emphasizes the sense of loss and disappointment.
The lyrics “Looks like I’m learnin’ the hard way again / That’s why I’ve been / Wasted on you” highlights the singer’s realization that they are once again experiencing the pain of a failed relationship and that they are still struggling to cope with their emotions. This line suggests that the singer may have gone through similar experiences in the past and that they are now going through the same process of healing and moving on.
Furthermore, the lyrics “Like this pile of your stuff that’s packed up in the back / Right down to the flame of this match / Wasted on you” highlights the physical remnants of the past relationship that the singer is now left with. The imagery of the “pile of your stuff” and the “flame of this match” suggests that the singer is now letting go of the past relationship and moving on.
In conclusion, the lyrics of “Wasted on You” express a deep sense of regret and remorse over a failed relationship. The singer reflects on their tendency to turn to alcohol as a way to cope with feelings of loneliness and longing for the past relationship. The lyrics convey a sense of self-awareness, as the singer acknowledges their own role in the failure and expresses remorse for the time, money, and effort that was wasted on the relationship. The song highlights the emotional journey of the singer as they come to terms with the end of the relationship and begin the process of healing and moving on.
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